Hands down the best song I've heard in awhile, I can't stop playing this
Big Boi x Discovery
"Shutterbug/Swingtree" (The White Panda Mashup)

Along with CONCRETE OPINIONS, we present the best mashups in the land, check out CONCRETEOPINIONS for more

Jay-Z ft. Lil Wayne x Xiu Xiu
"I Do Brooklyn When I Want" (The Hood Internet)
Lil Mama ft. Chris Brown x MSTRKRFT
"Shawty Get Looks" (The Hood Internet)
The Cool Kids x Le Loup
"We are Mikey/We are rock" (The Hood Internet)

Chiddy Bang x Ellie Goulding
"Under the Sheets" (Air Swell)
Chiddy Bang x MGMT
"The Opposite of Adults, KIDS" (The Swelly Express)
Her Majesty and The Wolves
Mixtape (the ultimate mashup from Spencer Neezey and Kimberly Wyatt)
This mixtape is free for download through HMATW website, and follow them on Twitter

other than the big obi//discovery track, the chiddy bang//mgmt is my favorite